Amélie Ledoux-Desens

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Full name: Madame Amélie Ledoux-Desens, Baronne de Port-de-Paix

Domain: Marburg

Status: Neonate, Primogen

Baroness Zeichnung 1.jpg

" I don't know much about Desens to be honest. She calls herself 'Baroness' when people seem unable to grasp her name. I have no idea if she really is or was a Baroness or if she is just bonkers. She's weird like all the other Malkavians you might have met. Has her head in the clouds mostly. Easy to handle - nothing that you can say about all Malkavians, mind you. As long as you stay polite, you can ask her literally anything. ... Wait, she really likes to wear white. A religious reason apparently, not a choice of fashion. But if she wears black, I have heard, it is better to steer clear of her. I don't know why, just do it.

Desens has the gift of foresight that her Blood is proud of. If you ask her what she does for work, she claims that she works with 'the other world', whatever the hell that means. Ghosts, I think?

The Baroness travels a lot, even visited the big courts of Europe but never stood out from the crowd that much. She never visibly exceled at these places. Or in politics in general. But there 'were' people here and there who tried to saw her off in Kindred society because of reasons of their own. Somehow they never were successful. Strange.

Despite her wanderlust Desens settled down in the area around Marburg in 2013. And inspite of her usual attitude she plunged into politics when she became Primogen of Marburg at the end of 2015. "